U petak, 30. travnja 2021. godine, nakon uvodne konferencije projekta i konferencije za medije, od 11 do 14 sati, održan je prvi službeni partnerski sastanak projekta Active Tourism Meets Advanced Technology in Cross-Border Area – AT@AT.CB.

Projekt je u okviru Programa suradnje Interreg V-A Mađarska Hrvatska 2014.-2020.   sufinanciran sredstvima Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj.

Na prvom sastanku projektnih partnera okupili su se predstavnici svih projektnih partnera:  Varaždinske županije, Turističke zajednice Varaždinske županije, Općine Csurgó i Sveučilišta Pannonia-Nagykanizsa kampus.

Sastanak je organiziran kroz dvije osnovne radne cjeline. Prva cjelina obuhvaćala je teme poput upravljanja projektom, administraciju, upravljanje financijama i izvještavanje o napretku projekta. Druga cjelina bila izravno vezana uz promociju projekta, uspostavu centara za posjetitelje za područje općine Csurgó u Mađarskoj te za područje Varaždinske župnanije u Hrvatskoj, razvoj turističke atrakcije – aplikacije za pametne telefone koja će povezivati projektna područja, ali i za dogovor o daljnjim aktivnostima i koracima u projektu AT@AT.CB.

Projekt AT@AT.CB je ukupno vrijedan 1.245.215,36 eura (9.339.115 kuna), a s 85% se sufinancira iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj, odnosno iz Programa prekogranične suradnje INTERREG V-A Mađarska – Hrvatska 2014.-2020.

The first official partnership meeting intensified the cooperation of the partners in the AT@AT.CB project

On Friday, April 30, after the introductory project conference and press conference, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., the first official partnership meeting of the Active Tourism Meets Advanced Technology in Cross-Border Area – AT@AT.CB project was held online, via the Zoom platform, with ensured consecutive translation on the language of the project partners. The project is within the Cooperation Program Interreg V-A Hungary Croatia 2014-2020. co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

Members of the project teams of the partners gathered – Varaždin County, Varaždin County Tourist Board, Csurgó Municipality and Pannonia University, Nagykanizsa campus.

The meeting was held in two working sessions divided thematically – the first part was reserved for project management, administration, finance and project progress report, and the second part for project promotion, establishment of visitor centers in the municipality of Csurgó and the city of Varaždin, development of tourism attraction, ie. application for smartphones that will connect the project areas, but also to agree on further activities and steps in the project AT@AT.CB

The aim of this meeting was to strengthen the partnership by discussing joint activities and commitments.

The meeting agreed on the date of the next informal meeting of project partners, on May 6, when the development of a smartphone application will be discussed, for which the University of Pannonia is in charge. The topic of the meeting will be connecting partners with an application, ie. a game that will further enrich the tourist offer of the cross-border area of ​​Hungary and Croatia.

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